Obtaining a Financial License in Korea

Obtaining a Financial License in Korea

Opening a financial enterprise implies registering a local business and applying for a financial license in Korea. In the case of foreign businesspersons, an investment business permit must also be obtained. If you want to obtain a financial license in South Korea, there are several steps and documents to prepare,…
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Open a Recruitment Company in Korea

Open a Recruitment Company in Korea

Opening a recruitment company in South Korea falls under the provisions of the Employment Security Act. The law stipulates the conditions to be met by natural persons and companies seeking to offer headhunting services in this country. Below, our company formation agents in Korea explain in detail how to create…
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Open a Crypto Company in Korea

Open a Crypto Company in Korea

If you want to open a crypto company in Korea, you need to comply with specific regulations, among which the ones governing anti-money laundering. They are important as they also apply retroactively to existing Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP) in Korea that did not require registration with the Financial Services…
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Inheritance Lawyer in Korea

Inheritance Lawyer in Korea

Part V of the Civil Code provides for inheritance in Korea. According to it, the property of a deceased person is distributed among heirs based on a will. However, intestate succession is also available in South Korea in the lack of a testament. Below, our Korean inheritance lawyer explains some…
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Buy a Property in Korea

Buy a Property in Korea

If you want to buy a house or apartment in South Korea as a foreigner, you need to comply with specific legislation. The Foreigner’s Land Acquisition Act is one of the most relevant in this sense. Below, our lawyers in South Korea explain the procedures you need to go through…
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Fiscal Representative in Korea

Fiscal Representative in Korea

Foreign companies are not required to have a local presence in South Korea in order to register for VAT; however, they must appoint a Korean fiscal representative. With respect to domestic business, these can also use the services of such an agent optionally. Below, our company formation agents in Korea…
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Representative Office in Korea

Representative Office in Korea

Foreign companies seeking to test the Korean market can set up liaison offices for this purpose. Also known as a representative office, this is a non-corporate form suitable for specific activities with limited character only. Below, our company formation officers in South Korea explain the procedure to create a liaison…
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Payroll in South Korea

Payroll in South Korea

Opening a company in Korea implies apart from registration having the manpower to operate it. While hiring employees is not difficult, keeping track of their activities, paying their wages and registering annual leaves, as well as other actions associated with their work implies setting up the payroll. Below, our local…
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Employee/ Personnel Relocation to South Korea

Employee/ Personnel Relocation to South Korea

Employee relocation to South Korea is possible through a special category of visa, namely the D permit. The procedure is not complicated, however, it requires attention from both the employer and the workers, as there are certain formalities to complete. Below, our local specialists explain the main procedure related to…
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VAT Registration in South Korea

VAT Registration in South Korea

With no less than 8 years ago, Korea decided to simplify its taxation system related to indirect levies with their replacement with the value added tax (VAT) in 1977. Now, in order to sell goods and products here, one is required to apply for VAT registration in South Korea. The…
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